"Please provide a Buzzing 101: Syllabus…"
Here is the fourth installment of the interview.
Additional segments coming in September and October:
• More Buzzing Exercises, Lip Vibrato, and Tuning
• Timing and Sequence of Events for a Breath
• Tongue-Controlled Embouchure and Support
• On Ideal Vibrato Speed
• On Creating an Open and Supportive Atmosphere
I am grateful for the information and inspirations I have received from Keith over the past 15 or so years, and I am delighted to share this video interview with Keith filmed on August 18, 2007 at Ghost Ranch, NM.
I invite you to subscribe to this blog to receive future interview segments short enough to post here. Longer segments will be posted at my website and I will announce the postings in this blog.
Thank you, Keith, for answering my questions, for this interview and throughout the years!
Sincere best wishes to my readers,