One of my readers asked this week where to locate good fingering charts for the piccolo on the internet. Coincidentally, the topic came up this week in FLUTE LISTSERV as well, making this an extra easy blog entry to write. Thanks to listers for their ideas. you can read their responses at Archives of FLUTE@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU .
One source others mentioned that I have used before is The Woodwind Fingering Guide/Flute.
Be sure to scroll down to the Alternate Fingering Chart for Piccolo. The listed "basic" fingerings for high f-sharp and high g-sharp are actually the ones I use in normal circumstances.
Christine Erlander Beard is a recognized piccolo specialist. Her website listed a number of online sources for piccolo fingerings on the page entitled Pedagogy (that means "teaching").
I second Jennifer Cluff's suggestion on the LISTSERV to wear earplugs when trying out all the high fingerings on piccolo! No joke. Those of you dusting off your marching piccolos, get yourself some good earplugs for your summer practice!
Jennifer's website also has a fingerings page with a vast list of fingering sources and topics for both piccolo and flute.
"A Basic Guide to Fingerings for the Piccolo" by Steven Tanzer is comprehensive and has helped me out in a few difficult situations. This book can be purchased from Van Cott Information Services, Inc.
Hope this helps!
Love the photo! Jen Cluff always has good things to say... Wear earplugs now so you will still need them later!
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
You are so right about the ear plugs! If I forget to wear one in my right ear, it rings for hours!
FYI: This is Christine Beard's updated website address:
Lots of great piccolo info there!
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