Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Beginner's Mind"


I always look forward to summer as a time to “reinvent” my flute playing. After taking some time away from regular practice,  I approach playing with “beginner’s mind,” discovering new routes to improved flute playing and joyous music making.

Those of you know me personally know that I have many ways to work on things--that difficult passage or life’s problems--and, also, that I find great joy in new insights and discoveries.

Exploration is the precursor to discovery. "Play" is the creative path. New ideas and inspirations come when we refresh our perspectives on life and work.

When I learn something new, try a new way of doing something, or immerse myself in a new context or challenge--whether it be cultural (travel to a new place), work-related (new repertoire, inspiring reading or research), or domestic (new recipes, or even rearranging the furniture)--I learn new things about myself: what motivates me, what fulfills me, and how I might best inspire others to discover their best selves, both as individuals and as artists.

I encourage you to try something new this summer, in your music-making and in your life. I invite you to check out the Library page at my website or my blogs, for some inspiring resources, or visit the Playground at my website for fun, creative play to open up new paths of thought.

Happy exploration! I look forward to hearing about your adventures and discoveries.


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